Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to our Year 3 class page. In Year 3 we are all friendly, happy and eager to learn! This year we will strive to produce our best work in every lesson and fully immerse ourselves in the fun learning opportunities we have. We will work on building our learning behaviours through the use of our ‘Learning Superheroes’ to become the best learners we can be! The teachers in Year 3 are Miss East and Miss Rice.

Miss East’s favourite book is ‘Willy and Hugh’ by Anthony Browne.‘It’s a heartwarming story of friendship.’
Miss Rice’s favourite book is ‘The Invisible String’ by Patrice Karst.
‘It helped me through a difficult time.’

A typical day:
Year 3 have strong daily routines to support our learning. We have spelling tests every week, daily reading and morning missions that help us know and remember more. Ensuring that we read at home every day is also very important. Once we finish a story, we can complete a quiz on this using Accelerated Reader to develop our fluency and understanding of the text.
Every week we have assemblies in class and have singing assembly and Whole School Achievements Assembly weekly, where we celebrate our own and others’ achievements.
We end the day with DEAR time (drop everything and read).
The year ahead:
The curriculum has a thematic structure with an overall theme for a portion of the term where each theme has specific subjects attached to it to help deepen our learning.

Our themes are:
This Is Me – we focus on ourselves and what makes a positive member of our community. Our main topics covered are cooking in D.T where we will design and make our own soup, family and relationships in PSHRE, drawing in Art looking at the artist Frida Kahlo and exploring plants in Science. In computing we will be looking at online safety.
My Place, My Time – a unit which looks at where we are in the world and what events are important to us. Our main topics covered are local geography looking at UK coasts, in History exploring The Stone Age and what life was like and dance and football in P.E. In French we will learn about greetings.
Around The World – Here we move our focus from ourselves to the wider world and how we can contribute to our ever-changing planet. Some of our learning covered in this topic is: UK rivers and coasts around the world in Geography building on from previous learning. We will be looking at rocks and soils within Science. Within DT we will be looking into shell structures. In French we will be looking at playground games and within RE, we will be looking at Islam.

Those Who Came Before – This theme looks at how events in history have shaped how we live today. Our history topic will be the Ancient Egyptians and a lot of our reading and writing will also revolve around this topic. We will also explore light in science and citizenship with PSHRE. In P.E will develop our athletic skills ready for sports day as well as volleyball.
Be The Change – Our final theme of the year focuses on sewing within DT where we will design and make our own bag. IN P.E we will look at athletics and in Science, forces and magnets. We also reflect on our school year and all the wonderful learning that has taken place by creating a timeline of events.
Check it out:
In Year Three, we value many trips and experiences that enhance our learning. Within our learning we enjoy partaking in many different ways of learning including using drama, cooking, swimming, using the outdoors to learn, science experiments.

Follow the links below to our Parent Planner for more information on our themes for this term and to view our Year Overview:
Contact us
If you have any questions, please email on: year3@carnforthschool.org