Welcome to Year 2

In our class, we have Miss Jones, Miss Holland and Mrs Kenwrick. We are avid readers!
One of our favourite books is Fantastic Mr Fox by Roahl Dahl because we enjoy reading about interesting characters that get up to lots of mischief.
A typical day/ routines:
We begin our day with a daily phonics session using our Read Write Inc skills and knowledge to build a bank of sounds in order to read a wider range of words. We apply our phonics and spelling knowledge to our writing. Throughout the year we explore different books and genres including poetry, fiction and non-fiction texts over the year. We use these texts to base our own versions off. Some examples of text we look at include, Silly Billy, Little Red Riding Hood, Into the Forest and Meerkat Mail. We use a range of skills including capital letters, full stops, time connectives, coordinated conjunctions (and, but, or) and subordinated conjunctions (that, when, because, so). Children read often in school and we ask that they also read every day at home- this can be any type of reading material not just their reading book from school. We encourage the children to take a ‘reading for pleasure’ book home.

In our maths lessons we have opportunities to apply a range of methods to work out our four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). We use lots of resources such as base ten, tens frames and part, part, whole to support our working out and problem solving. We learn about 2D and 3D shapes, coins, measure and capacity and use our four operations within these.
We regularly have opportunities to take our learning into our different areas of the classroom such as, our construction/small world area, creative area, roleplay area and we even venture outside into our outdoor learning area. In the afternoon we teach a range of subjects including Art, P.E., Computing, Music, R.E. and Science.
The year ahead:
The curriculum has a thematic structure with an overall theme for a portion of the term and where each theme has specific subjects attached to it.

Our themes are:
This Is Me – we focus on drawing in Art, cooking and nutrition in DT, and family and relationships in PSHRE. This is our first topic and focuses in on the child.
My Place, My Time – we explore painting in Art, living things and their habitats in Science and our local area and the four countries of UK in Geography. We also learn about the Great Fire of London.
Around The World – we explore the 7 continents: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Antarctica and Australia, and zoom into Jamaica in Geography.
Those Who Came Before – we learn about three significant nurses in History and mechanisms and structures in DT.
Be The Change – we make an item in DT which we will then sell at the summer fayre and reflect on our year producing a timeline of events.
For more information, please see our parent planners.
Check it out:
We have a very important, furry friend in Year 2 called Sunny. Sunny the meerkat spends time with each of the children throughout the year.
We also go swimming in the Spring term and don our wellies to adventure into Forest Schools.

Follow the links below to our Parent Planner for more information on our themes for this term and to view our Year Overview:
Contact us
If you have any questions, please email on: year2@carnforthschool.org