Welcome to Year 1
Welcome to Year 1! Our class teacher is Miss Jones and our teaching assistant is Miss Burnham.

Miss Jones’s favourite story to read to the children is Room on the Broom.
“It is a fun, rhyming story which we can all join in with.”
Miss Burnham’s favourite story to read to children is Monkey Puzzle.
“I just love animals.”

A typical day/ routines:

We start our day with a daily phonics session using our Read Write Inc skills and knowledge to build a bank of sounds in order to read a wider range of words. Children are encouraged to apply phonics and spelling knowledge to their writing. We read and write using lots of different text types including poetry, fiction and non-fiction texts over the year and we write our own versions of these texts. We work hard to develop our fabulous sentences with capital letters, full stops and conjunctions (and, because, so). Children regularly read at school and we ask that they also read each evening at home- this can be any type of reading material not just their reading book from school.
Our maths lessons are full of fun and hands on learning. We use lots of resources and pictures to explain what we are thinking. We then move onto to abstract methods such as number sentences to ensure that we develop a secure understanding of the Maths skills in addition and subtraction and place value. We work with 2D and 3D shapes, coins, scales and capacity to develop our mathematical skills in all areas.
Learning in Year 1 is connected together and often taught through themes. We try to link our topics of study across all areas of the curriculum. Our learning is hands on and involves the children being active learners and finding out for themselves. We often take our learning into our different areas of the classroom such as our construction area, creative area and our home corner where we have time to play and extend and develop our social skills.

In June all the children in Year 1 will undertake a phonic screening. The phonic screening checks the children’s knowledge of segmenting, for example, (b-l-ue) and blending (blue). They will be shown 40 real and nonsense words (e.g. tlue) and be asked to read them. A website with great phonics games to play at home is Phonicsplay
The year ahead:
Some of our exciting topics include:

Check it out:
Check it out:
Year 1 is a great place to learn as we get the opportunity to go to Forest school at different points throughout the year. We also get to go on trips such as Black Country Living Museum and a trip to the Hive library!
Our class bear is called Bessie. She likes to go home with different children at the weekend and have lots of fun with you! We also love playing music and having a sing and dance in Year 1! It is so much fun! 😊

Follow the links below to our Parent Planner for more information on our themes for this term and to view our Year Overview:
Contact us
If you have any questions, please email on: year1@carnforthschool.org