You will need sQuid to pay for everything within school.
If you have not already registered your child, please do so before you need to purchase anything from school. When you register, you will have a ‘purse’. You will need 2 purses, one for offers and bookings and the other for school lunches.
Every child has a unique 16 digit reference number and a 3 digit security code.
If you need these details, please email office@carnforthschool.org
Here you will find all the school uniform, trips and events and school milk for pupils.
Here you will find the daily slots to be able to book Breakfast Club, the additional 30 minutes lunchtime for full time Nursery pupils and Little Pears After School Club.
To pre-order and pay for school lunches, please see the information and instructions under the ‘Parents’ tab above, ‘School and packed lunches’.